

Pray for Maui, and those missing or unaccounted for!


Learn More about how you can be a part of the charge

“If My People PRAY

At Inspire Church, we believe in the power of prayer. Our Prayer Team is continuously covering our church in prayer, and we invite you to take part in the many requests for prayer available to our team.

Individual Prayer Sessions

Inspire Church Membership Covenant Required (or on file)

House Blessing

Inspire Church Membership Covenant Required (or on file)

Available to all Inspire Church attendees and their families

Contact Blossom Chang, Director at:

Almost everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer. Studies even show that for every 200 people in church, 8 are currently living with cancer. At Inspire, we’ve seen a growing need for a cancer care ministry, one designed to not only bring hope to those who have cancer, but one to provide resources and support to cancer caregivers.


That is why we launched Our Journey of Hope, a Cancer Care Ministry back in January 2021. This is a ministry of hope. While it involves prayer, counsel, visits and assistance, it is centered on bringing God’s hope to patients and their caregivers, family and friends. This requires an understanding of the impact of cancer, how people react to it and how God has called His people to respond. Above all, it requires us to have within ourselves an unfeigned hope that we can take to those in need.

1) Join the Team

If you are interested in joining our team, Our Journey of Hope Cancer Care Ministry, you will attend an
8-session training class via online Zoom.

2) Partner With Us

If you or someone you care about is impacted by cancer, we would like to partner with you. Our heart is to serve, comfort & encourage men, women & families fighting cancer. We provide practical support & spiritual care to those affected by cancer. This is a ministry of Hope, courage and compassion.

3) Join our bi-weekly Cancer Care Support CG led by Frieda Chandler & co leaders Nora Wheeler & Aileen Tamanaha

Please join our bi-weekly Cancer Care Support Group on the 1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month at 830am via Zoom online open to everyone.

4) Join our monthly Cancer Caregiver Support CG led by Elke Greenleaf & co leader Veronica Hernandez.

Please join our monthly Cancer Caregiver Support connect group 2nd Saturdays at 6:30pm via Zoom online open to everyone.

5) Join & like our Facebook page